About Laughlin Farm
Racing cars has been my identity for pretty much my entire life. I love it, it’s my passion and it always has been. As a byproduct of traveling the country racing and doing what I love, I’ve met so many people along the way and grown a giant network of fans from all over the world. For the last few years I’ve felt I need to utilize it for something more meaningful. I’ve wanted to start a charity but didn’t know anything about it and was unsure of what it’d even be.
My grandfather established this farm back in 1965. I grew up here working cattle with him, running tractors through the fields, even just picking up and clearing away rocks the plow kicked up. My grandad passed away about 16 years ago and this place sat dormant ever since.

And then I met Pelican
I discovered a horse that was living in conditions I couldn't agree with. And I passed by this horse for about a month, hoping every day that something would change.
One day I left a note on the gate and explained to the owner that I’d like to buy the horse. That night we made a deal, and the next day I went back and picked up a horse named Pelican. I brought him back to our farm. He went to the vet, got caught up on his shots, and he got his feet and teeth cleaned.
It felt good to help this animal, and I share a special bond with this horse. I can tell that he 100% knows I saved him. Pelican now has 4 rescue friends and loves every day of his life, and so do I.
I am going to bring Laughlin Farm back to life.
This journey has led to me the conclusion of what I want to do. I’m going to clean out these old barns, fix this place up and bring Laughlin Farm back to life, but this time as a non-profit large animal rescue and sanctuary. There’s a lot of work to do though, between a new water well, shelters, feed and veterinarian expenses, it’s going to take a lot of heart and dedication, but I’m excited to start this new journey and invite you to be a part of it.